Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple – Weekly Prompt – 100 words

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple – Weekly Prompt – 100 words

PHOTO PROMPT © Linda Kreger 

Uphill Battle

By Teresa Smeigh 2019

John was pushing his aunt, Edith up the hill and could barely budge her. He saw his friends going to the park, and he called them over and asked them for help. At first, they balked because they were in a hurry, but John begged and pleaded that he wanted to go with them, but he was stuck getting his aunt up the hill. They were all going to the same place.

Finally, they agreed, and they all pushed the person in the line ahead of them. Slowly inch by inch, huffing and puffing, they got her up the hill.

**************100 words*****************

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses, also a devout Christian

Author – (this blog contains my old work mostly although occasionally I do add something new here), new work is mainly on this blog

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.

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