Friday #fotoflash August 2, 2019

DB McNicol’s #fotoflash

Photo courtesy of W. Neiman


Parade Fun

By Teresa Smeigh 2019

Robin stretched out and put her feet up on the windowsill. She couldn’t get comfortable.

Robin was 40 years old and 9 months pregnant. She worked hard today and had no breaks. The restaurant had been busy today, and even though she is only the hostess in her current condition, she is exhausted.

She started to doze off, but the baby was very active right now, and she was afraid she was going to go into labor soon. She stared out the window, trying to pinpoint the hospital among the other buildings.

She had no family, so she will have to call an ambulance when the time comes. Her only friend was working late at the restaurant tonight, and the baby’s father took off as soon as he heard the news of his impending fatherhood.

She felt the first sharp pain. This might be it. She glanced at the clock and checked the time. Another contraction. They are getting closer and even more intense. Now that they are coming every few minutes, she pulled out her phone and called the ambulance quickly explaining her position.

This was her first child, but she was 40 years old, and this wouldn’t be easy. She advised them of her age and that she had been on her feet for the last 12 hours working. They promised to send someone out immediately and for her to make sure that her door was unlocked.

The ambulance didn’t come, and the pains increased. Robin knew the baby was coming, and she was all alone. There was nothing she could do. Her body knew what it needed to do to deliver the baby. She wrapped it in a blanket and was curled around the baby when the ambulance finally got there apologizing for the emergency that held them up. They rapidly went into action and got her, and the baby transferred to the hospital.

She woke up to see her friend and boss waiting to see her. News had gotten to the restaurant.

She looked down at the baby and checked to see if it was a boy or girl. Happily, she had given birth to a girl her very first choice.

***********365 words**********

DB McNicol’s Rules:

Welcome to my Friday Foto Flash Fiction challenge! Each Friday I will post a new picture to be used as inspiration for your flash fiction written in 500 words or less. Be sure to include the photo, the source credit, and a link to this post with your storyEntries will close on Thursday at midnight Eastern Time.

Once your post is live, add your link to the list below. I hope you will visit the other entries (and check back often for new stories). Remember to leave them a comment in appreciation. Thank you and enjoy! Here’s your photo prompt.

Tessa – 

Advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses, also a devout Christian

Author – (this blog contains my old work mostly although occasionally I do add something new here), new work is mainly on this blog

Author of a book, a work in progress on the blog,

Highlighted chapters are done and ready to be read.


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