Still no apartment, epidural and bankruptcy

From a supposed move in time of March 1, no communication at all. Very frustrating. I know it doesn’t matter to them and we are just needy nobodies to them. Do they think I would put myself in this position if I didn’t have to. Very humiliating the treatment can be. I am afraid when they finally call to view the apartments I will be otherwise engaged in something I can’t change.

Still waiting for my court date for the bankruptcy. I did get the court number for my case, but still no date set.

I just had my 3rd lumbar epidural. I actually feel less pain this time. Maybe it will work this time and we can start on the neck. This time I did it with iv sedation and not a local. I never felt or knew it happened until they were waking me up. Costs more, but the way to go.

The office changed their name to Corda Pain Institute. Sounds more professional, but they are completely out of control and over booking and can’t handle parking, seating and the wait times are ridiculous as they also brought more doctors on. Every time I go which is usually 2-3 weeks apart, they have changed their procedures. And the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. They are driving me crazy.

SoI have started packing and donating to the thrift shop as well as trashing a lot. Most of it needed doing anyhow. Less to take with me. Took a car load to thrift store today. And both my dad and son are getting rid of things they don’t want either. Had trouble getting rid of things so far, but really they have no value to me or they wouldn’t have sat in boxes for over 14 years, some long.

So tired of going nowhere.

Tessa – advocate for mental health and invisible illnesses, also devout Christian

Author – (this blog contains my old work), new work is on this blog


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